Harrow Farm Visit
Another busy week of conservation for our Green Ambassadors - come and see what they all got up to this week!
On Tuesday, our Green Ambassadors and the Harrow School Conservation Team visited Harrow Farm to observe the local wildlife and to discover the different species of insects, birds and mammals that make homes within this local habitat.

Looking for creatures in the grass!

Identifying different insects
We also observed the different plant life growing around the farm and spotted many species of trees, flowers and fungi. This allowed us to see how healthy the environment around the farm was along with the potential impact humans had made to the land in addition to the local wildlife who graze there.

Some small bats who have taken up home on the farm
Our Green Ambassadors thoroughly enjoyed their visit and recommend that everyone takes time to visit their local farms, countrysides, or even their own gardens to observe the wildlife and the surrounding environment.
Photos from our visit can be seen by CLICKING HERE