St Mary's Conservation Visit
Our Green Ambassadors recently visited St Mary's church grounds and were treated to a parade in the afternoon....come and see what they all got up to!
On Tuesday, our Green Ambassadors and the Harrow School Conservation Team visited St Mary’s and the surrounding area to observe the local wildlife and surrounding environment.

Exploring the woodland

Observing our local environment
Following lunch at Harrow School, the Green Ambassadors watched the Army, Navy and Marine cadets’ parade with a band from the Irish Guards. The highlight was meeting one of the guards who was very happy to answer the children’s questions all about what his job entailed as a member of the Irish Guards.
‘It was really exciting when he told us he was taking part in Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace the next day’. Ruby 4 Oak

Meeting an Irish Guard

Our view of the parade!
Photos from the day can be seen in our Green Ambassadors Gallery by CLICKING HERE